Energy Event, FEDARENE Annual Meeting 2022, 15th of June, León, Spain
We are proud to be part of ENERGY EVENT co-organised by EREN and FEDARENE on the 15th of June in León of Spain where the FEDARENE Annual Meeting 2022 will take place.
Data on energy performance of buildings are precious for accelerating the EU renovation wave. Considered as a first tool to trigger action, Energy Performance Certification (EPC) has gained a lot of attention lately, with projects working on making their assessment and use more efficient, developing their data accessibility with intelligence, and exploring convergence among the different national EPC schemes.
During the Energy Event, MATRYCS along with crossCERT and QUALDeEPC will present their insights on how data on energy performance of buildings can be used to accelerate the wave of renovation in the EU.
More specifically, the presentation of the MATRYCS project will focus on Share Data and harmonization of building renovation. Gema Hernandez from Cartif will present project’s updates and the pilots focusing on EPCs and SECAPs. Following, Marina Bartolomé from Veolia will present advances for District Heating Networks and energy efficiency optimisation.
More information and how to join us can be found below: